Tartu Santos Cup is the first football hall tournament in Tartu for children.

 Tartu, being home to the University of Tartu, is a city full of different cultures and vibrant energy, especially during Santos Cup.


VanusMängijaid väljakulMänguaegKuupäev
2013 A&B7v72×15 min15.10-16.10.2022
2014 B5v5 2×12 min29.10.-30.10.2022
2015 A&B5v5 2×10 min22.10.2022
2016 A&B5v5 1×15 min30.10.2022

Housing options

You can choose between school accommodation and hostel/hotel accommodation. Here are a few examples of the latter.

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The tournament takes place in the new football hall in Tartu.

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Free time

Tartu is a city of youth and there is plenty to do here. Here are a few examples of it… take a closer look!




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